By Judy Magor, Devenport, Tas.

If you are flooded with feijoas, here are some terrific and tasty recipes to use this bountiful fruit.

People either love feijoas or hate them, I discovered when our little bush produced about 30kg of fruit this year. There are only so many feijoas that a couple can use, and so I looked around for other people with whom we could share our bountiful harvest. I quickly found that the poor feijoa had few fans. Some people were willing to try them, but puckered lips and screwed up faces told their own story. Others dismissed them out of hand: ‘I tried them once and they were so tart.’ Another lady happily took a bag home to try, but rang that night to say, ‘Please don’t give me any more.’

One of the many stories in Issue 274 Dec/Jan 2023